OK, so I've signed up for the Journal Quilt Challenge and I've managed to make.....ONE. So I sign up to participate in the Color & Composition study group, thinking I can kill 2 birds with one stone and make my journal quilts part of my study exercises. Efficient, in a multi-tasking kinda way. But how can I squeeze any of this into my busy life--and still have some sort of pleasant home environment?
First, I really tried to find a self-cleaning house. Couldn't find that.
Tried to find the kitchen that flushes, but failed on that count, too.
Finally I accepted the fact that our house does require a human being to clean it more than once a year, so......
I took BABY STEP #1: I have just dropped off my house keys at the office of MOLLY MAIDS, who will come and CLEAN MY HOUSE tomorrow!!!!!!
Please join me in doing a celebration happy dance!!!!!!!!!
When Dreams End
2 years ago